
Castelló Royal Yacht Club

It was 1930, when a group of friends, and big swimming fans, began to develop what two years later would officially become a sports society by the name of CLUB NÁUTICO DE CASTELLÓN (Yacht Club of Castellón).

As it could not be any another way, the recently created CLUB’s head office was a simple yet large wood hut. After several years, the structure, which offered many different services, became unusable and was replaced by a modern building fit to serve its needs and was inaugurated 30 years later in 1962.

It was 1930, when a group of friends, and big swimming fans, began to develop what two years later would officially become a sports society by the name of CLUB NÁUTICO DE CASTELLÓN (Yacht Club of Castellón). As it could not be any another way, the recently created CLUB’s head office was a simple yet large wood hut. After several years, the structure, which offered many different services, became unusable and was replaced by a modern building fit to serve its needs and was inaugurated 30 years later in 1962. With the unrelenting passing of time, the modern building became outdated and incapable of meeting the new demands that the society required. This led to the construction of the current Social Building in the year 2000. The construction, which included the enlargement of the jetty and dry dock, was finished a few years later and today, thanks to H.R.H King Juan Carlos I, it is called the REAL CLUB NÁUTICO DE CASTELLÓN (Royal Yacht Club of Castellón).


Monday to Friday


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Carrer de l'Escullera de Ponent, s/n, 12100 Puerto de Castellón, Castelló