
Commercial and fishing port

Although the first stone for the construction of the “Muelle de Levante” (Eastern Dock), which is the origin of Castellón’s Port, was placed in 1891, the Junta del Puerto (Board of the Port) was created in 1902.

The Port of Castellón’s beginning is clearly linked to the province’s exporting vocation. During its first years, oranges were the main export, and in the last quarter of the 19th century the port experienced an important boom in their shipments to the main European markets.

Already in 1906, the same year in which the directing engineer José Serrano Lloberes drew up the “Proyecto General del Puerto” (General Project for the Port), more than sixty thousand tons were moved through the port and, six years later, more than eighty thousand tons were loaded for exportation. The orange represented more eighty percent of the port’s annual movement.

Nevertheless, not only the orange marked the beginning of Castellón’s Port. Glazed tiles originating from factories in Onda were one of the port’s typical products being shipped at the end of last century and the beginning of the current one.

In the 1950’s, the engineer Modesto Vigueras drew up another expansion project for the jetty’s extension. In the 1970’s, the fishing dock became reality and once the construction of the Muelle de Costa (Coast Dock) was finished, the market was relocated to the fishing port, where it currently resides.


Monday to Friday

de 15 :00 a 20:00


de 11:00 a 20:00

More information

Mlle. Puerto Recinto, 6S, 12100 El Grao de Castellón, Castellón