
Espai d’art contemporani de Castelló

The Espai d’ Art Contemporani de Castelló (EACC) (Contemporary Art Space of Castellón) is located inside various projects completed by Proyecto Castelló Cultura and its purpose is to promote and drive the city’s cultural life. Officially inaugurated in 1999, the EACC set its objectives on the debate and diffusion of the most recent artistic practices, all through a program of parallel exhibitions and activities of thematic character.

Partner to this reflection, one cannot leave aside the great potential that the phenomenon of urban configuration is made of, and here not only from a spatial perspective, but especially from its growing social complexity and, of course, from the collective and historic memory that have been passed down..

After seven years and with establishment of the EACC in the city of Castellón and its surrounding territories, one now wants to reflect on the significance of the museum from a social, spatial, and ideological perspective, that is to say, to reconsider the museum and its limits, its reason for existence and its usefulness in a society that presents new demands.

The EACC is divided into three separate spaces. The Espai Didáctic is made up of two rooms, one for archives and documents and another one used for public workshops. The Espai Donar is where contemporary music concerts are held.

The Espai Cinema is the place where filmmakers and video artists can meet, thematic film forums are programmed and different workshops about the subject are available.

Currently the EACC has a library and a cafeteria.


Monday to Friday

De 16:00 a 20:00


Saturday 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 - Sunday 10:00 to 14:00
Free access - Visits by appointment - Consult opening hours on public holidays

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Carrer de Prim, s/n, 12003 Castelló de la Plana, Castelló
964 72 35 40