
Museum of Fine Arts

EThe Fine Arts Museum in Castellón is 150 years old.

And brings together different art collection funds coming from several local organizations such as the Provincial Museum of Castellón and Castellón’s City Council art collection among other warehouses (Prado Museum), donations (Justo Bou Álvaro, Rafael Forns Romans, Hermanos Puig Roda-Alcácer, Juan Bautista Porcar, Juan Bautista Adsuara) and legacies (Francisco Esteve Gálvez).

Recently the Royal Convent of Capuchin nuns of Castellón left a legacy to the museum of oil paintings from the studio of Zurbaran.

The museum opened in its new location (the central Avenida Hermanos Bou) in 2001. The new avant-garde building has won several architectural awards. It was designed and built by the architects Emilio Turión Álvarez and Luis Moreno Monsilla.

The building is divided into four big blocks all facing a central cloister. One block is the public and semi-public area (offices), another one is the working area (restoration and archeological area) and a third block is the storage (basement). The permanent exhibition rooms are public and are divided into five levels.

The exhibition’s topics are focused on archeology, ethnology, painting, sculpture and above all pottery from Valencia between the sixteeth and nineteeth centuries. The ceramic exhibition features more than 800 objects including significantly important pieces made in Alcora, Ribesalbes and Onda.

The archaeological and ethnological section is split into five areas:

  1. Art, communication and cultural tradition.
  2. The arts of subsistence.
  3. Food producers.
  4. Technology and cultural change.
  5. Urban complexity and society.

The painting and sculpture section is mainly focused on artists connected with Castellón throughout history.

Low level 10 Area Ceramica 09 Temporary exhibition hall 08 Assembly Hall 07 Museum shop 06 Cafetería 05 Administration 04 Library 03 Workshops

Basement 02 Archaeological Area 01Area ethnology

Floor 3 14 Area Fine Arts

Floor 2 13 Area Fine Arts

Floor 1 12 Ceramics Area 11 Workshop


Monday to Friday

From 16:00 to 20:00


Saturday 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 - Sunday 10:00 to 14:00
Library and Shop, same opening hours as the Museum. Guided tours.

More information

Av. dels Germans Bou, 28, 12003 Castelló de la Plana, Castelló
964 72 75 00